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>> Students Support  

 Student support:

The faculty is alwayskeen to study the social, health, economic, psychological and othercharacteristics and students needs through surveys that are distributed tostudents, direct meetings held between officials and students, the complaintsbox, the quality and youth welfare unit and other faculty departments in orderto provide and meet the various needs of students, as follows:

There is a clear policyfor students’ financial support and it is announced at the beginning of each academicyear for new and old students by addressing the students themselves and throughbillboards, posters and advertisements inside the faculty, where students mustdo the following:

A- Students go to the Youth WelfareDepartment to withdraw the application for social research.

B- The student fills in and stamps this formfrom the Student Affairs and attaches to it documents proving the family’sincome, such as the father’s salary, pension, agricultural possession, or thedeath certificate of the family breadwinner.

C- These forms are examined by socialworkers, accordingly, needy cases are identified and financial aid is given tothem, when the priority is as follows:

·  Needy students who are not housed in theUniversity City and who travel daily to their governorate.

·  Needy students who are forced to rentprivate housing for themselves at large amounts of money per month.

Needy students with disabilities.

The social servicesprovide in-kind and material assistance to students as follows: Paying universityresidence fees/ paying tuition fees / distributing some prescribed books tostudents for free / disbursing an amount of money to a student in need from thebudget of the Social Solidarity Fund. The faculty provides health care forstudents through a specialized clinic for first aid and emergency cases insidethe faculty building.

5- Orientation orpreparation and guidance program for students:

The Department of YouthWelfare at the faculty receives students wishing to join the faculty andapplicants for aptitude tests qualifying to enter the faculty during the monthof August of each year. The faculty also holds a party to receive new studentswho have been accepted into the faculty while submitting their papers to answertheir inquiries. Forming student families through the Youth Welfare Departmentthrough which students can practice various activities.

The Academic GuidanceDepartment also receives students to give them the unified number for eachstudent, register their subjects, and introduce them to the faculty's studysystem.

Students can view anddownload the student’s guide through the faculty’s website. The student’s guidecontains the faculty’s vision, values, mission, and strategic objectives. Itcontains a definition of the faculty’s departments, the academic degreesgranted by the faculty, the faculty’s study system, as well as disciplinarysanctions that are imposed on students and courses programs to choose from.

Through the QualityUnit, the faculty monitors the complaints submitted by students, whetherthrough the electronic complaints system affiliated to the Council ofMinisters, which the faculty administration answers and responses to it.Moreover, restructuring the internal complaints system in the faculty so thatit can benefit from the suggestions and complaints boxes in the roles Inaddition, a complaint email will be added to the faculty website after it hasbeen updated so that students’ complaints can be received through it.

Outstanding students: Thefaculty of Mass Communication, through the Education and Students Committee ofthe faculty Agency for Education and Student Affairs, assigns an academicadvisor from the academic staff to be the coordinator of outstanding studentsin the faculty. The faculty of Mass Communication provides clear mechanisms foridentifying outstanding and creative students, through their assessments at theend of each academic year. The faculty is keen to motivate and sponsor them bydisbursing excellence rewards to them, offering training opportunities orgrants for training inside or outside Egypt, and nominating them to traveloutside Egypt to participate in some media forums.

Slowlearning students:The faculty, through the Education and Students Committee of the faculty Agencyfor Education and Student Affairs, determines a responsible for the defaultingstudents. He studies the causes of their academic slow learning and works tocommunicate with them to help the student who has failed academically inanalysing his situation and extending

 ahelping hand to him by identifying the causes of the problem and proposingappropriate solutions to it. In addition, he helps the struggling student onhow to study and understand the different courses. In addition, teach him howto manage his time well. Moreover, help the student to get rid of anxiety orfear that may accompany during exams. He can suggest to the student to delete aparticular course or replace one course in another place to get betterperformance and result in the courses.

It should be noted thatif the student obtains a cumulative average of less than (2), he will be sentan academic warning and reduce his study load to 12 credit hours (four coursesat most). He receives a second warning with a reduction of his study load to 9credit hours (three courses) until his cumulative average rises to at least(2).

The student is obligatedto attend theoretical lectures and practical applications of the courses he isenrolled in, with a minimum of 75% of the lectures. If the student’s absencerate exceeds 10% of the theoretical and practical hours, he will be given afirst warning, and if his absence is 20%, a second warning will be given tohim. If the student's absence rate is 25% and more than the number of hours oftheory and practice, it is considered to (Fail) ( F ) in his academic recordand his semester and cumulative average.

Foreign students: Foreign students areaccepted into the faculty of Mass Communication by applying on the “Study inEgypt” platform, where students are initially accepted by the Ministry ofHigher Education and academic research centrally. Then,students are distributed to different faculties, where it is easy for studentsand their admission to the faculty as soon as proofing their acceptance on the"Study in Egypt" platform until their papers reach the faculty, sothat the registration procedures for them to study in the various programs atthe faculty are completed.

Through the Educationand Students Committee of the faculty Vice Dean for Education and StudentAffairs, the faculty of Mass Communication identifies the academic staff  asa coordinator for international student affairs to contribute to solving theirproblems. The Faculty also identifies a staff member in both the Student andGraduate Departments to take over the incoming student file to facilitate themand to be aware of all their decisions.

Studentswith disabilities:The Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University receives people withdifferent disabilities and provides them with different ways of care. In thevarious years of study, the faculty included 6 students with visualdisabilities in the academic year 2019/2020. The number increased to 19students in the academic year 2021/2022, including 14 cases of the visuallyimpaired (11 blind, 1 visual distortion, 1 severe visual impairment, 1 visualimpairment) and two motor disabilities cases (hands and legs handicap,Parkinson’s palsy), one handicap case (cerebral palsy), one (Cancer) and one(slow learning with intelligence ratio). 65%), in different school years.

The faculty of MassCommunication, through the Education and Students Committee of the faculty,Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, allocates one of the facultyprofessors as a coordinator for the affairs of students with special needs whoare challenged with disabilities. He communicates with them personally to helpthem solving the various problems they face during the faculty years. Allowingstudents with different disabilities, to use elevators for academic staff andfaculty employees to facilitate them. There is also a Rump for their own and abathroom for people with physical disabilities. Extending and giving extra timeto exams, whether in the mid-semester exam or the end-of-semester exams. As thefaculty is currently preparing a test-setting guide, part of which has beenallocated to putting tests for people with different disabilities, whichcontains a number of instructions for academic staff on how to deal with peoplewith different disabilities at exam times and how to develop an exam paper thatsuits their different needs. While at the same time achieving a balance betweenthem and their peers from ordinary students.

The faculty alsoprovides the scientific content of various subjects for students with specialneeds in general - including those with disabilities - on CDs in addition tothe electronic content available on the Blackboard platform. The faculty alsodistributed tablets to students with visual impairments at the different levelsof the faculty in the Arabic program and the English language MassCommunication program. In addition to the fact that some course professors,activate the application What’s App as a means of communicating with peoplewith special needs and broadcasting audio recordings of lectures in their ownvoice so that students can follow what is being taught.

6- Counselling servicesfor students:

The faculty assigns anacademic advisor to each group of students from a member of the faculty or theassistant body, who performs the tasks of guiding the student and directing himto choose the courses that suit his abilities and aptitude. The tasks of thementor are not only to guide the student during the period of registration, butalso to study his or her psychological and social situation and to monitor thestudent's course of study and on academic achievement. The professor urges thestudent to go to him regularly throughout the semester, even if the academicadvisor’s opinion is advisory, and the student is responsible for the courseshe chooses to enrol in based on his own desire.