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>> Recently Issued by Faculty Members  




Book title: Freedom in ContemporaryMedia: Rights and Responsibilities

Author: Professor Laila Abdel Maguid–Professor of Journalism

Publisher:Alarabyfor Publishing andDistribution

Year: 2021

Thisbook discusses the freedom of the media in the digital age. It explains therights and responsibilities of media practitioners within the current medialandscape.




Book title: Critical Vision of Media Literacy Studies in theRecent Decade

Editors: Professor Nermeen Al Azrak (Professorof Journalism), Dr. Hayat Badr (Assistant Professor of Marketing and PublicRelations), Sarah Khater and Nada Hamouda (Tas in the EMCCU) 

Publisher: Faculty of MassCommunication, Cairo University

Year: 2022

Inthis book students conducted various review analyses about different medialiteracy topics: Digital Literacy, News Literacy, Advertising Literacy, GamesLiteracy…and more.



Book title: Legislative and LegalRegulation of Traditional and Electronic Media

Author: Professor Laila Abdel Maguid–Professor of Journalism

Publisher: Alaraby for Publishing andDistribution

Year: 2020

Thisbook seeks to present a scientific study of the legislative and legalframeworks of the traditional media and the electronic media that variouscountries of the world follow to keep pace with political, social andtechnological developments, and the most important challenges confronting them.





Book title: Newspaper Design &Layout in Printed and Digital Era.

Author: Professor Mahmoud AlamEldeen–Professor of Journalism

Publisher: Dar Al-Sahab 

Year: 2022

Thisbook discusses the latest designing techniques of newspapers and news websitesin both digital and printed media and the challenges that face journalismindustry.










Book title: Ten Years after the ArabUprisings: Beyond Media and Liberation

Editors: Professor Hanan Badr – (Professor ofJournalism- Cairo University) – Lena Maria Moller (Max Planck Institute for Comparative andInternational Private Law, Germany)

Publisher: Media and Communication-Open Access Journal

Year: 2021

ThisIssue presents an interdisciplinary overview analysis and evaluation of the role ofmainstream media in supporting the Arab Uprisings for the last decade. It alsoprovides peer reviewed papers and cases studies from MENA Region Media outlets.