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>> College professional ethics  

MassCommunication Code of professional ethics

Ethical Charter for Members of the Facultyof Mass Communication


Article One: Implementers of theCharter


All members of the faculty adhere tothis guide for professional self-regulation, whether they are faculty membersor their assistants, administrators, technicians, workers and students... The facultytakes the necessary measures to ensure that all members are subject to andabide by the principles of this charter.


The second item:

Objectives of the charter Thecharter was drafted to help the faculty staff adhere to professional standardsand to reassure all parties dealing with them that all the faculty’sscientific, research and educational activities are carried out in accordancewith professional and ethical methods and methods.


Article Three: Principles of theCharter:


The charter includes several ethicalprinciples, which are:


1. Transparency and Accountability:


It means the faculty's credibilitytowards the parties that deal with and are concerned with it. Transparency isachieved by announcing the various activities it undertakes, its objectives andfunding sources. As for accountability, its accreditation


It meansthat the leaders and those responsible for their performance and job activitycan be held accountable.


Outstandingprofessional performance:


This is doneby establishing deep-rooted traditions that respect outstanding performance, acceptdiversity and difference, and recognize specific policy-making mechanisms. Itis one of the factors of strengthening trust within the faculty and between itand its clients, and this trust in turn helps to prevail in the spirit ofpositive cooperation and coordination within the different departments on theone hand and between them and each other on the other hand.


2.Strengthening teamwork and team spirit:


3. Spreadinga climate of trust within the faculty:


This isthrough reforming the work environment and strengthening through incentives,reviewing decisions and corrective actions, responding to objective criticismof decisions, emphasizing equality in rights and duties, participation indecision-making, transparency in the transfer of information, and effectivecooperation for the benefit of the faculty and the educational process in allits aspects.


4. Peacefulmanagement of disputes and conflicts during crises:

And that isthrough the existence of a moral and ethical framework represented in the setof values ??and standards that members of the faculty are committed to, whetherin managing relations between them, between them and the administration, orbetween them and between workers and students... as well as through acommitment to the values ??of competition, cooperation and resorting topeaceful methods in managing disputes that arise from As a result of differenttransactions, as well as acceptance of diversity and differences in thought,visions and interests.


5. Justiceand Balance:


By selectingthe leaders according to declared, fair and balanced criteria and according totheir expertise and scientific and administrative competence, as well as takingall corrective measures to address any unfair practices.


 6. Merit and youth empowerment:

Bydeveloping the capabilities of researchers through training courses, openingchannels of scientific exchange and dispatching missions, supporting theirparticipation in policy-making, planning and decision-making, enhancing theirrole and social responsibility, and integrating them into various activitiesinside and outside the faculty.


7.Institutional Capacity Building:


And that isby strengthening the faculty's ability to build a partnership with the externalenvironment, training and effective management to increase efficiency andeffectiveness.


The fourthitem: the texts of the charter


Members ofMass Communication Faculty undertake the following:


-        To act in accordance with ethicalprinciples and to follow professional and ethical ways and not to take anyaction that would damage the reputation of the Faculty as a corporate bodywithin the community. Apply ethical standards in all forms of relationships,transactions and functions within the faculty, as members are committed toapplying them at the research, educational, scientific, humanitarian andprofessional levels.


-         Members take the necessary measures to avoidconflicting interests and concerns with clients and employees and to preventthe outbreak of these conflicts in the bud.


-        Faculty personnel must deal honestlywith beneficiaries, clients (existing and prospects), employees and the generalpublic.


-        Members should not be given false orexaggerated information about their skills and experience or about thecapabilities of the Faculty.


-        Members must take all necessarymeasures to ensure that the rules of this charter are not violated, whether bythem or by others, intentionally or unintentionally, through adequateinformation, awareness and dissemination of it.


- Membersshould not act in a way that casts doubt on the Faculty, its objectives, itsobserved values, and its established rules.


-        Members take measures to ensure theintegration of ethics in all taught scientific contents (editing/publicopinion/research methods/media work...) Professors take into account providinga good example for their students, whether in speech or behavior.


-        Professors take into account thenecessity of starting from a human rights perspective that supports democraticscientific thinking and stems from justice, tolerance, non-discrimination orintolerance, as well as not dealing with anything that would clash with theethics of society.


-        Members are obligated to respect therules of intellectual property in all their research, teaching and teachingpractices.


-        Academics and all those subject tothe charter must respect each other, not direct any rude criticism to theircolleagues, and not make arbitrary accusations without evidence.


-        Promises or guarantees made bymembers, orally or in writing, must be true and respected


-        Members must not benefit - withoutwritten permission - from unpublished works or research submitted by students,provide transparency in scientific research procedures and objectivity, and notcollect material for non-scientific purposes.


-        Members must take practical steps topresent research that meets the needs of the specialty, and theirresponsibilities are determined in accordance with the rules and principles ofintellectual property.


-        Members are obliged to observe therules and conditions of scientific research (sampling selection/ disseminationof results/ data collection/ observance of confidentiality...)


-        Members must ensure that no informationis used illegally and for illegal purposes.


-        Academics as researchers must keepconfidential all records of scientific research that they carry out or have intheir hands (in the case of collective research work).


-        Faculty members must observe credibility,accuracy, honesty and integrity in their work. Accuracy is considered sacred,as well as scientific integrity, and the academic must respect the informationhe sees in his professional capacity and be committed to documenting it.


Fifth item: Principlesof scientific research and field work in public opinion polls and others


-        Be careful when dealing withchildren and other groups within society.


-        Work in accordance with local andinternational laws and regulations


-        The researcher shall act in anethical manner and not take any action that would harm the reputation and nameof the Faculty.


-        Be careful when dealing withchildren and other groups within the community.


-        The cooperation of the respondent isoptional and should not be deceived in any way about the topic, its objectivesand the funding bodies.


-        Be careful not to harm therespondent who cooperates with the faculty in any way.


-        Not to use the data and informationfor any purposes other than achieving the goals that the client wants only (therewill not be a database or the use of the questionnaire in anothersearch...etc).


-        The researcher makes sure that theactivities and information will be documented and reported in an accurate,objective and transparent manner in an appropriate manner.

-        The researcher should not give falseinformation about their experience, skill or institution.

-        The researcher must not act in a waythat embarrasses the faculty and jeopardizes its reputation (selling data)


During the design and preparation of the researchproject:


-        Researchers must not exploit thedata or benefit from it in one way or another except after obtaining officialapprovals, as well as not benefiting from previous unpublished data withoutapproval.

-        Staff must fully respect any verbalor written promises they make.

-        The relationship with clients mustbe defined in accordance with a written contract.

-        The identity of the customer shallnot be disclosed without his consent


Questionnaire design:

-        Its content should reflect theobjectives

-        Questions are not suggestive thatpush the respondent towards a specific answer


Preparation for field work:


-        The respondent’s right to remainanonymous must be respected unless he agrees to reveal his identity for thepurposes of quality and verification. However, care must be taken for therespondent’s interest and not to harm him in the case of small samples (workingin a particular company or sector).

-        Observe ethical principles andconditions when using any imaging and recording machines or devices.


Ethics before filling out the questionnaire: (Preface)


The subject must be defined as follows:


-        The name of the agency orinstitution that is conducting the survey.

-        The benefits of personalinformation: will it be limited to this survey alone, or will it become anucleus for creating databases?

- Source of names and data

- The respondent has the right to know the source ofthe sample, how it was drawn, and how the faculty obtained its numbers... (forany client of the company, whether subscribed to the newspaper or a satellitepackage...)

- Length of the survey (duration of time)

- Any cost that will be borne by the respondent(internet / mobile in another country ..)

- Will the interview be recorded/filmed for qualitycontrol reasons?

-What if the subject is sensitive? Religious? Ethnic/Mentaland psychological health/Involvement in crimes of politicalopinions/Drugs...etc.


While filling out the form:


The respondent has the following:


-        The Right to Refuse to Answer:Volunteering with Free Will

- Refusal of some questions or complete withdrawal,and in all cases their wishes must be respected

- The respondent can cancel any answer and theresearcher must abide by that.

- He should not disclose any answers to otherrespondents

- Observe the rules for using the telephone: not afternine in the evening or early on holidays.


Clarify the following:

-        The researcher's name andidentification card.

-        Upholding ethics

-        the topic

-        Objective of the interview

-        Responsibilities and obligationstowards the client

-        Design unbiased questions

-        Giving the client the correct andaccurate data as possible to achieve the goals he wants

-        The questionnaire achieves theobjectives of the research


Analyze and interpret the results:

-        Ensure that observations, findingsand interpretations are supported by the data collected.

-        Giving all necessary data ontechnical details so that customers can judge the accuracy and credibility ofthe results

-         The accuracy of the tables and the developmentof the full details necessary to judge the validity and statistical accuracy ofthe results.

-        The results should explain thedifference between information and opinions, findings and interpretations.

-        Not to cheat in the results, as wellas follow up on what is published in the media.

-        Correcting errors and falsificationsin publishing the results.

-        Maintain confidentiality of data anddestroy all project papers.

-        Not to use the data for any purposesother than for which it was collected (for example, marketing activities).


Sixth item:Indicators of the extent of commitment to the charter:

-        The number of violations committed.

-        The number of disputes that occurredbetween members of the faculty from different groups and sectors.

-        The number of problems resolved.

-        Number of problems that wereescalated to higher authorities (University, State Council...)

-        Actions taken to prevent breach ofthe Code.

-        The number of penalties imposed onviolators.

-        The number of complaints submitted

-        The extent to which employees aresatisfied with the work environment and the existence of healthy relationshipsbetween colleagues

-        The role of the panel of judges.


ArticleSeven: Basic Requirements:


-        Availability of awareness of theimportance of the charter and its role in supporting the social capital of the facultyand its members.

- Respecting the principle of justiceand equality in rights and duties.

 - The participation of members and workers indrafting the charter, and following up on its implementation and evaluationcontinuously.

- Inclusion of new members, includingassociates and employees of the faculty, and its ethical principles.

 - Availability of a basic database on the faculty, itstarget audience, its privacy, the challenges it faces, the management ofrelationships, responsibilities, crises, transparency, information flow, andmaking it available to all to achieve the maximum possible credibility.


ArticleSeven: Challenges:


The mainchallenge is that these ethical principles are voluntary, i.e. adherence tothem is voluntary.


The charterwas approved in the faculty council session on 12/15/2014

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Professional_ethics_ to_ the family_of_masscomm_Faculty_guide.pdf