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>> Mass Communication and International Relations Center  

Work Plan for Mass Communication and International Relations Center in the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University
Program co-ordinator
Dr. Alaa Fawzy
Feb 2023 – May 2023

First: Visits to reinforce collaboration with international universities
1-    Receiving a high-level delegation from Malaysia (3rd of June 2023)
The faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University (MCCU) hosted a Malaysian delegation headed by Dr. Ahmed Ezany Ounag the president of the Open University of Malaysia, and the CEO of Meteor and the academic advisor of the Mahmoud Azmy.
2-    Organizing the visit of the Head of the communication department at Salzburg University to MCCU (16th of June 2022)
The Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University (MCCU) hosted a visit of Professor Joseph Trapple the head of the communication at Salzburg University and Professor Hanan Badr the professor at Cairo University and University of Salzburg
3-    Visit to the university of Panteion in Greece (May 2023)
An MCCU delegation visited Panteion in Athens between the 25th April and 1st of May. The delegation was headed by Professor Hanan Guneid, the dean, and Professor Nermeen Al-Azraq the head of the English Section, and Dr. Alaa Fawzy, the International Relations co-ordinator. This visit came as part of Earasmus Plus related to the European Union. The visit cames as part of International Relations Unit under the auspicies of Professor Mohamed Al-Khost, the president of Cairo University, professor Mohamed Hassan Al Attar the vice president for post graduate studies and research and Professor Haidy Bayoumy the head of scholarships and projects at the international relations office.
The visit included many of important meetings with University of Panteion officials:
Prof. Marianna Psilla, the Vice Rector of International Relations.
Prof. George Klimis, the Head of Communication, Media & Culture Department.
Prof. Pantelis Vatikiotis, Director of Journalism Lab.
Meeting with Panteion’s University’s international relations office, dean as well as mass communication students to better understand the educational system and path.   
Second: Scholarships
We publish scholarship announcement for Bachelor and post graduate studies of Erasmus Plus program on MCIR Facebook page.
Many undergraduates succeeded in securing Erasmus scholarship and travelled abroad to continue their studies, including:
-    Nourine Saber and Youstina Antar got scholarships for Autumn term (October 2022- January 2023) in Juan Carlos University in Spain
-    Farah Hany got a scholarship for spring term (February 2023- June 2023) in Panteion University in Athens
-    Yara Yasser got a scholarship for spring term (February 2023- June 2023) in Freie University in Germany
Third: International Conferences and Events
1.    Celebrating the International Mother Language Day
Faculty of Mass Communication (MCCU) organized an event to celebrate the International Mother Language Day, titled ‘Speak the Culture’. Speakers from Germany, China and Egypt participated in the event and spoke with its mother tongue and talked about its culture and scholarship opportunities their countries.

2.    A symposium about Erasmus Plus on the 29th  of March
The Faculty of Mass Communication (MCCU) hosted a talk given by Dr. Haidy Bayoumy, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts at Cairo University and the manager of scholarships and projects at the International Relations office at Cairo University. The talk was intended to spread knowledge about the EU student exchange program for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

3.    The MMCU’s 28th Research Conference with strong presence of international researchers and experts
Many sessions included international researchers, such as:
-    On the first day, a panel discussion was held to discuss ‘Content Creation in the Digital Age: Looking for added value and building trust with users’. The session was directed by Professor Samy Taie, Professor Nermeen Al-Azraq and Dr. Sarah Fawzy. Speakers from Egypt, Cuba, Brazil, Canada and Spain participated in the discussion. They included Candido Chris the Spanish Cultural Advisor, Nuria Sanz the regional director of UNESCO Cairo Office, Caroline Wilson the Professor of Ontario University.

-    Another panel discussion was held to discuss the influence of algorithms on social media polarization. The research session was led by Dr. Fatma Elzahraa, the professor of journalism and Dr. Hayat Badr the PR lecturer. Researchers  and speakers from different nationalities participated, including the chair professor of media research at the international research center, the former head of the mass communication at Jackson State University in the USA.

Fourth: International Collaborations with international organizations and universities:
-    The Faculty of Mass Communication (MCCU) signed a protocol for collaboration with Louisiana University at Cairo University to reinforce the academic exchange, collaborative conference, and seminars.

-    MCCU also signed a special collaboration agreement with journalism institute at Morocco. The agreement is considered the first academic collaboration between Egyptian and Moroccan educational institutions. It also enables students from Journalism research institute in Morocco to hold an Arabic MA degree in Journalism and Mass Communication studies from the MCCU (January 2020)