see translation
>> agency for marketing services and researches (Marketing Makers).  
agency for marketing services and researches (Marketing Makers).


The scientific methodology inproducing and providing agency services to its clients, planning and conductingresearch, producing and designing campaigns for the internal and externalmarket, providing services to institutions and professional bodies withproviding consultations and training programs.


Leadership at the level of the Arabworld as a house of expertise that combines science and creativity in providingintegrated training media and marketing services to the Egyptian and Arabmarket in a professional and creative manner, business development and marketeconomic development for the public and private sectors and civil societyorganizations.

Agency`s Most Recent Activities

- A new training course in the field of audio engineering provided by theagency of the Faculty of Mass Communication, on 01/11/2021.

- The first courses in the field of sales "presented by the agencyof the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University", on 01/15/2022.


Seminars and Conferences

- In the presence of Dr. Zahi Hawass, a webinar about development ofarchaeological awareness and the revitalization of tourism in Egypt, our dateis on 4/21/2021.

- Hosting a number of innovators in the field of wood industries,ceramics, handicrafts and cosmetics, on 1/4/2021.



Department of Training and Skills Development

A new training course in the art of content marketing.

- An integrated diploma in the field of e-marketing offered by the agencyof the Faculty of Mass Communication.

- A training workshop in the field of e-marketing for students of masscommunication faculties.

- An integrated diploma in the field of e-marketing offered by the agencyof the Faculty of Mass Communication.

- The first courses in the field of sales presented by the agency of theFaculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University.

- A comprehensive diploma in animation and motion graphics.


Agency`s Most Recent Activities


Related links

Faculty of Mass Communication Website

- Electronic Master's degree.

- Facebook


Contact us:



·     Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University,Giza.

·     Phone:  35575451 35729871

·     Mobile: 01020089663 01020616646

·     Faculty of Mass Communication, CairoUniversity...