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>> About The Department  


Journalism department at Faculty mass communication, Cairo University is considered one of the most important and most prestigious journalism departments in the Arab world. It seeks to prepare and qualify graduates who are academically, professionally and morally qualified to compete in the media field.  And this is achieved by providing them with the most recent information in media and trains them to acquire the necessary skills to deal with modern technology and its different tools.


To make graduate well informed of ethics and values of working in media field and how to apply it practically. In which it will ensures the uniqueness of the department’ graduates and distinguish them from other graduates in any of media schools. And to guarantee that the graduates are aware of the communication media research’s basics and skills in which will allow them practically apply it in different media fields.

Support professors and young researcher’s efforts in the scientific and academic openness to different schools. And encourage them to conduct studies and researches that enrich the practices of different media organizations.


- To train students on the most recent writing styles in print and online newspapers.

- To train students on the most recent methods in printed newspaper layout designing.

- To train students on new ways of designing online newspaper’s websites.

-To make students aware of professional conduct’s criteria and ethics of journalism practice.

- To train students to think critically which will help them solve the problems they face while working in journalistic field.

- Familiarize students with basics of conducting media research and public opinion studies thoroughly and independently.