see translation
>> Staff Evaluation Standards  

The Personnel Management department prepares functionality reports at the end of each year, evaluating every employee by his direct supervisor, according to the following criteria:

Work duties:

- Production quantity ----------------------------------------- (15 degrees)

- Production quality ----------------------------------------- (15 degrees)

- Interest in the work -------------------------------------- (10 degrees)

- The use of work tools --------------------------------- (5 degrees)

- Investment of working time ------------------------------------ (5 degrees)


Mental readiness:

- The ability to act/perform --------------------------------- (10 degrees)

- Intelligence and vigilance --------------------------------------- (10 degrees)


Personal behavior:

- Dealing with the public -------------------------------- (10 degrees)

- Dealing with superiors ---------------------------------- (10 degrees)

- Dealing with colleagues ---------------------------------- (10 degrees)

 The employee is estimated with a total of one hundred points, taking into account the duration of the breaks held during evaluation period, the sanctions that have been imposed on the employee if any. The faculty director reviews the efficiency reports and the reports are then approved by the Dean. Each employee is given an opportunity to see the results of his/ her evaluation. The reports are then sent to the university General Directorate for Personnel. These reports are a traditional formal means to evaluate the performance of employees.

Another innovative means used by the college to assess the performance of employees is through maintaining records of employees to determine the qualifications of each employee and expertise available, in addition to retaining personnel file for each employee that includes details about his condition; and the quality assurance unit has prepared electronic data base on the college staff and workers in each department, and this data is updated periodically.