see translation
>> Teaching Assistance Evaluation Standards  

1. Attending lectures regularly with faculty academic staff ----------------------- (10 degrees)

2. Supervising assignments presented by students -------------------------- (10 degrees)

3. Supervising the training of students-------------------------------------------- - (10 degrees)

4. Participate in student leadership activities------------------------------------ (10 degrees)

5.      Participate inactivities of quality assurance at the faculty-------------------------------(10 degrees)

6.       Relationship with colleagues and superiors………………………….(10 Grades)
7.       Relationship with students…………………………………………….(10 Grades)
8.       Obtaing master degree and PHD according to the rules of the supreme council of universities……(10 grades)
9.       Attend scientific meetings of the sections and discussions of Masters and PhDs……………… ( 10 grades )
10.   Attend scientific conferences, seminars and symposiums……………………………(10 grades)