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>> Practical Training  

Training in department takes many shapes divided as follows:

1-    Internal training:

This training is connected with some of the assigned courses in which students get their training in “voice of Cairo university” newspaper through specific courses such as: journalistic laboratory, newspaper reporting and newspaper layout and design.


a.    Training’s topics:

Internal training includes all the basic steps of any journalistic work flow starting from training students on planning for work then training on traditional and modern ways of news gathering according to the new media schools such as: explanatory or investigative journalism. Also, training on journalism writing skills and reporting for different kinds of news styles like: news story, investigative reporting, opinion articles and specialized forms). In addition train students on ways of designing and putting layout of magazines and newspapers.




b.    Hours of training:


Training is being held 6 hours weekly for each of the three levels (2nd, 3rd, and 4th level). In which students are divided into groups according to the “voice of cairo university” sections which is considered to be the main training for them.

c.     Trainers:


Department’s professors in writing, reporting, advertising, photojournalism and layout & design’ courses are the one who train students with the help of teaching assistants in the faculty. Also, faculty hires some trainers who are journalists working in the media field and have been graduated from the faculty too.


d.    Training outputs:

Printing and distributing “voice of Cairo university” newspaper periodically and prepare a file for each student that includes all the materials made by or co-produced throughout the semester, both those published in the newspaper or have not been published.


e.    Training’s evaluation:

Student is being evaluated through individual report he/she presents that includes all what he/she did through training phase and what they benefited from it and the pros and cons of the training. Also, trainers write reports to evaluate students who have been trained. In addition students are being evaluated through oral and practical exams for students.


2. External training:

It is being held during the summer holidays to organize practical training for the students in the governmental, party and private news organizations through prior agreements with the department.