see translation
>> Achievements of The unit  

1-     Monitor an overall picture of the current state of the college,including positives and negatives, and identify strengths and weaknesses, inorder to develop a comprehensive vision for improvement and development.

2-     Prepare reports on the quality of education standards.

3-     Contributeto preparing an electronic data base about the faculty staff and their CVs.

4-     Submita funding project to qualify to gain the quality assurance as part of thesecond phase of the development and rehabilitation program. CIQAP)). Thisproject has been approved and began working on the implementation of itsobjectives sine 2/9/2012, and the most important goals of the project are:

a.       Upgrading the institutional capacity of the college.

b.      Development of undergraduate Program.

c.       Development of Graduate Studies and Research.

d.      Development of scientific research and linking it to the societyneeds.

5-     Upgrade the competitiveness of the graduate students.


a.       Increase the effectiveness of the college 's role in communityservice and development.

b.      Upgrade The faculty Resources.

6-     The leaders of the project seeks to :


a.       Train the college team, faculty staff, teaching assistants, and admins.

b.      Renovate and update databases and document it electronically.


The development of undergraduate and graduate programs inaccordance with the National standards.Organize seminars and periodicalmeetings to spread the culture of  quality and requirements for obtainingthe quality assurance. Support cooperation with media organizations and civilsociety institutions and media expert to upgrade college graduates.


Increase the effectiveness of the role of the Faculty as anacademic research center.

Support training programs internally and externally to increase theeffectiveness of the relationship with the graduates