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Egypt ICA Regional Hub (EGICA) 2024


EGICA Website

Egypt ICA RegionalHub (EGICA) 2024

About Us

Welcome to EGICA: Your Gatewayto the International Communication Association (ICA) in Egypt

EGICA, a scientific research community within the Faculty of MassCommunication at Cairo University, is honored to serve as the FirstRegional Hub in Egypt for the prestigious International CommunicationAssociation (ICA).

ICA – Legacy of Excellence:

ICA's story began over five decades ago with a dedicated group ofresearchers passionate about communication. Today, it thrives as a diverseinternational association, fostering excellence in communication scholarshipacross more than 80 countries and garnering recognition from the United Nationsas a non-governmental organization (NGO) since 2003.

EGICA – Fostering a DynamicCommunication Hub:

EGICA shares ICA's commitment to communication excellence. We serve as aregional bridge, connecting Egyptian and Arab scholars to the vast resourcesand vibrant network offered by ICA. Planned to occur simultaneously with theICA annual global conference, we delve into the latest trends, challenges, andinnovations in Journalism, Radio & Video, Public Relations &Advertising, and the full spectrum of communication research. Through engagingsessions and workshops, EGICA ignites creativity and fosters excellence in bothscholarship and practical applications of communication within the region.

EGICA–ICA Collaboration Vision:

EGICA is committed to fostering a thriving communication researchcommunity in Egypt. We actively seek to expand our reach, integrating moredepartments and scholars into the ICA network.

EGICA–ICA Collaboration Mission:

Through this collaboration with the ICA, we support our faculty,researchers, and students by enabling them to:

1-      Engagewith the Global Conversation: Participate in ICA'sannual conferences, gaining exposure to cutting-edge research and fosteringinternational collaboration.

2-      Accessa World of Knowledge: Explore ICA's extensivepublications and resources, staying up to date with the latest communication studies trends and developments.

3-      Contribute to the Field: Share their own original research and expertise with a global audience, enriching the broader communication landscape.

Membership and collaboration

The Faculty of Mass Communication,Cairo University is pleased to launch the first round of Egypt’s ICA regional hub planned to occur simultaneously with the global conference on 22 and 23June 2024.

The Faculty of Mass Communication hails the inclusive opportunities provided by the annual ICA conference to partner with regionally created hubs to open the gateway to local scholars whose limited time and material resources make it inconvenient for them to attend the global conference annually. We applaud this initiative and work on integrating more departments and scholars in the upcoming rounds.

Main international partner: ICA

ICA collaborates with a diverse range of organizations, including:

International Organizations:

1-      International Labor Organization (ILO):

o  The partnership aims to promote decent work and sustainable development through cooperatives.

o  Joint activities include developing training and capacity-building programs,conducting research, and advocating for policies that support cooperatives.

2-      International Cooperative Alliance (ICO):

o  The partnership aims to strengthen cooperation among cooperatives at the international level.

o  Joint activities include exchanging information and expertise, organizing conferences and events, and supporting cooperative development in developing countries.

3-      United States Agency for International Development (USAID):

o  The partnership aims to promote economic and social development through cooperatives.

o  Joint activities include supporting cooperative projects in developing countries, building the capacity of cooperatives, and developing policies that promote cooperatives.

Regional Organizations:

1-      European Union:

o  The partnership aims to promote cooperatives in Europe.

o  Joint activities include funding cooperative projects, developing policies that support cooperatives, and exchanging information and expertise.

2-      African Union:

o  The partnership aims to promote cooperative development in Africa.

o  Joint activities include supporting cooperative projects in African countries, building the capacity of cooperatives, and developing policies that promote cooperatives.



National Organizations:

1-      Cooperative societies in different countries:

o  ICA collaborates with cooperative societies in different countries to promote cooperatives atthe national level.

o  Joint activities include organizing conferences and events, developing training and capacity-building programs, and advocating for policies that support cooperatives.

There are some additional ICA partnerships such as:

Examples of institutions that have partnerships and collaborations with the ICA Conference:

1-  Academic institutions:

  • University of Münster: Collaborates with ICA in research related to fair trade and sustainable development.
  • University of British Columbia: Offers educational programs in cooperative management in collaboration with ICA.
  • International Cooperative Institute: Provides training and research programs in the field of cooperatives in collaboration with ICA.

2-  Non-governmental organizations:

  • International Labor Organization: Collaborates with ICA in promoting decent work and sustainable development through cooperatives.
  • International Cooperative Alliance: Works with ICA to strengthen cooperation between cooperatives at the international level.
  • United States Agency for International Development: Supports ICA in implementing cooperative projects in developing countries.

3-  Private sector:

  • Fideicoop: The largest agricultural cooperative in the world, collaborates with ICA in promoting fair trade and sustainable development.
  • Cooperative Bank: Provides financial services to cooperatives around the world and has a partnership with ICA.
  • RAINN Platform: A technology platform that supports cooperatives in the field of communications and information management and works with ICA to promote the use of technology in cooperatives.
  •  Academic Partners: (Indonesia Hub):

The hub collaborates with many organizations, including:

1-      The Indonesian government: The Ministry of Cooperatives and other government organizations.

2-      Cooperative organizations: National and international cooperative organizations.

3-      Universities: Universities in Indonesia and the Southeast Asia region.

4-      Non-governmental organizations: Non-governmental organizations working to promote cooperatives.

The hub has had a significant impact on promoting cooperatives in Indonesia and the Southeast Asia region. The hub has helped to:

1-      Increase awareness about cooperatives: The hub has helped to increase awareness about cooperatives and their benefits among the public and decision-makers.

2-      Develop the capacities of cooperators: The hub has helped to develop the capacities of cooperators through education and training programs.

3-      Strengthencooperation among cooperatives: The hub has helped to strength encooperation among cooperatives in Indonesia and the Southeast Asia region.

4-      Support research on cooperatives: The hub has helped to support research on cooperatives and provide it to decision-makers.

Meet the EGICA Team:

EGICA is driven by a passionate team of communication academics dedicated to fostering a vibrant research environment. Our faculty members hold diverse specializations, from journalism and audio-visual media studies to public relations and digital media communication. This collaborative spirit allows us to tackle the most pressing communication challenges from various angles.

1-  Director of EGICA and Leading International Coordinator:
Professor Dr Souraya Ahmed El Badaoui
Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University

2-  Senior EGICA International Coordinator:
Dr Hayat Badr
Associate Professor in the PR and Advertising Department

3-  EGICA International Coordinator:
Ms Aliaa Khaled El Shabassy
Teaching Assistant in the PR and Advertising Department

EGICA Planning and OrganizingTeam:

1- Senior Lecturers:

- Dr Faten Rashad
- Dr Mariam Abdelhak
- Dr Mai Hossam 
- Dr Fathia Sabry 
- Dr Hoda Salah Abou Harb 

2- Assistant Lecturers:

- Ms Sara Khater  
- Ms Hala Elsayed 
- Ms Shaimaa Nabil El Shazly 
-Ms Rehab Abdelmoez Abdallah 
- Ms Lamia Ahmed 
- Ms Christine Guirguis 
- Ms Nada Hamouda Elsayed 
- Ms Hadeer Salah 


3- Teaching Assistants:

- MsNoran Khaled Abd El-Aziz 
- Ms Yasmeen Ali Omar 
- Ms Ms Fatma Ahmed Abou El Yazeed Shama 
- Ms Aya Abdelhaleem 
- Ms Nourhan Mohamed Abdelnaby 
- Ms Alia Tamer Said Riad 
- Ms Donia Nasr Mohamed 
- Ms Arwa Hesham Elsayed Ghobashy 

Procedures and Benefits of Participation

First. Procedures of participation:

For all prospective participants intending to submit their research on any of the suggested themes, kindly email an abstract in Arabic, English, or French to by April 20, 2024, at 11:59 PM (GMT+2). Upon receiving an acceptance email, full papers must be submitted by May 30, 2024.To register for the symposium either in person at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, or virtually, please complete this form: [link to form].

Second.Benefits of Participation:

1-      Exposure: Attend virtual sessions at the ICA 74th conference, held in Australia.

2-      Networking: Engage in open discussions with local, regional, and international research communities, including a special session with the ICA Regional Hub in Indonesia.

3-      Contribution: Submit original papers in different languages (AR – EN – FR).

4-      Publication: Accept edpapers will be published in a special issue of the Public Relations and Advertising Journal at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University.

5-      Awards:Three prizes will honor outstanding research in memory of the late Professor Mohamed Al-Wafaei. Two additional awards will be granted for the poster competition, along with certificates of attendance and/or participation.

Main Research Themes:

In the frame of the first EGICA round’s proposed themes and the 74thannual ICA 2024 conference main theme “Communication and Global Human Rights,”paper submissions in the following areas of interest are encouraged:

First dimension. PR and Organizational Communication:

1.  Public diplomacy and the promotion of peace.

2.  Organizational PR and crisis management.

3.   Organizational PR and image/reputation management.

4.    Corporate communication and SDGs.

5.    Organizational communication and quality of workspaces.

6.    The environmental responsibility of organizations.

7.  Social responsibility of organizations and customers’rights to privacy protection.

8. Customer Relationship Management and brand citizenship.

9.  AI application in monitoring and analyzing E-WoM.

10.  AI chatbots’ assistance in PR-text creation and analysis.

11.The Uses of Artificial Intelligence and Multimedia in the Media Environment

12.Media Literacy and cultural information

13. Algorithms and Biases in the Digital Media Environment

14.Social Impacts of Podcasts

Second dimension. Integrated Marketing Communication:

1.  Online multimodal marketing analysis.

2.  Neuro marketing.

3.   Visual identity management of brands.

4.    Advertising literacy.

5.   Social marketing and social inclusion.

6.   Green Marketing.

7.  AI in Online behavioral advertising and its ethical implications.

8.  VR and AR applications in marketing.

9.  Marketing for SMEs.

10.  Financial management of Ads.

11.  Real-time marketing and current issues.

 12. AI chat bots’ assistance in content marketing.

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