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Mass Comm. Honors Efforts of Students and Professors Participating in International Scholarships Abroad on “Excellence Day”

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Othman El-Khosht, President of Cairo University, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, and Prof. Dr. Salwa Al-Awadly, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, the Faculty of Mass Communication organized, this afternoon, a symposium entitled “Excellence Day" at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Sami Tayea, Professor of Public Relations and Coordinator of International Relations with the Autonoma University of Barcelona and UNESCO, and Prof. Dr. Heidi Bayoumi, Director of Grants and Projects at the Office of International Relations at Cairo University.

The Excellence Day event was supervised by Prof. Dr. Nermeen Nabil Al-Azraq, Coordinator of the English Program for Journalism, and Dr. Ashraf Galal, Coordinator of the English Program for Radio and Television, and organized by Dr. Alaa Fawzi, lecturer in the Public Relations Department and assistant coordinator of the department’s English program.

At the opening of the Excellence Day activities at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, Prof. Dr. Nermeen Nabil Al-Azraq, Coordinator of the English Program for Journalism, delivered a welcoming speech to the guests of the celebratory event to honor the faculty students participating in the summer training course that was organized for students of the Faculty of Mass Communications, Cairo University, in cooperation with the Faculty of Communication at the Autonoma University in Barcelona in Spain, during which she expressed its great happiness with the celebratory event that comes to honor the efforts of the faculty professors in cooperation with Autonoma University officials, noting that the students presented a level of excellence and a great deal of commitment during the training course that was held in Spain.

Then came the speech of the Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies, who praised the efforts of the administration at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, starting with Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, indicating that the students, through their recent participation, played a role in serving the image of Cairo University and the participation of its students in a way that contributes to the advancement of Cairo University and its advancement in the world, which is what made it previously among the best 400 universities in the world.

This was followed by a speech by Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty and General Coordinator of the Cooperation Program with Autonoma University in Barcelona, Spain, during her participation with the training trip delegation, expressing her deep appreciation and thanks to the attendees, led by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Saeed, Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and the efforts of the professors and all those who contributed to organizing the training visit for students of the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University, noting that the student delegation is being honored today for participation and excellence within the framework of maximizing opportunities for training, noting that the visit achieved its objectives, which were represented in holding several meetings to discuss ways and aspects of academic cooperation between the Faculty and Faculty of Communication Sciences, Autonoma University. Also meetings were held with Professor Sami Taye, Director of the International Program at Autonoma University, Professor Jose Manuel, Professor and Director of Postgraduate Programs at Autonoma University, former President of the Spanish Radio and Television Union, and Professor Mariana Psilla, Vice President of the University for international relations.

The Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, noted that the Day of Excellence for the students of the Faculty of Mass Communication honors the participants who contributed to the activities of the training visit that honors professors and students today, which included holding a cultural debate on peace issues and the role of the media in addressing them. The debate also took place between professors and students from the Egyptian and Spanish sides, and international students of other nationalities at Autonoma University, and an inspection tour was conducted by the visiting team, which included a visit to the media production studios and laboratories and the halls in which students train at Autonoma University to ensure the effectiveness of the training and its optimal implementation that maximizes the students’ benefit.

For his part, Prof. Dr. Sami Taye, Professor of Public Relations and Coordinator of International Relations with the Autonoma University of Barcelona and UNESCO, expressed his great happiness at honoring him today, pointing out that the training visit that was held came within the framework of the agreement concluded and signed by the Faculty before, but it was implemented and activated with efforts. The existing administration in the Faculty of Mass Communication, led by the efforts exerted by Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunied, Dean of the Faculty, indicating his aspiration to expand the presence of the Faculty of Mass Communication in the attendance and presence of its students and openness to other cultures.

After that, a documentary film was shown about the visit, its activities, what happened during the visit program, and the participating students’ impressions of it and how they benefited from it.

Then came the word of Dr. Heidi Bayoumi, Director of Grants and Projects at the Office of International Relations at Cairo University, who began her speech by thanking and welcoming everyone and emphasizing the efforts of Prof. Dr. Sami Tayea and Dr. Nermeen Al-Azraq, which placed the Faculty of Mass Communication in a rank among the rest of the Faculties in terms of scholarships in which its students participated, especially a scholarship provided by The State of Hungary, noting that the Erasmus scholarships that he is currently attending are for a period of one semester, stressing the need for students to strive to learn about them and participate in them in order to enhance the qualification opportunities in the training opportunities provided.

It is available to every student who wants to travel abroad to study for the semester, as you only need a TOEFL certificate, noting that there are unprecedented opportunities such as training camps, studying subjects in cooperation with international universities abroad, or an entire academic semester for them.

During his participation in the Excellence Day event, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Galal, coordinator of the English Radio and Television Program, said that today’s honoring event comes as a culmination of great efforts, the most important of which is thanks to the distinguished students who had the desire to obtain and participate in these scholarships and to maximize their benefit by participating in them, indicating that the students presented a model of commitment and excellence at the training level, especially since they participated in many training events in which they demonstrated an aspect of creativity, excellence, and praise, for which they deserved to be honored by the international universities that provided them with their own scholarship opportunities.

The conference concluded by honoring its participants and the efforts of scholarship students participating abroad in Greece, Germany, Japan, and Spain

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