see translation

The Dean praises the results of the German accreditation team's meetings with agents and representatives of the faculty's scientific departments

at the end of the activities of the second day of the visit of the international accreditation team..

The Dean praises the results of the German accreditation team's meetings with agents and representatives of the faculty's scientific departments

Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid: The meetings took place in an atmosphere that reflected to the visiting team the extent of leadership and distinction of the Faculty of Mass Communication locally and regionally.

Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid The meetings touched on the ambitious future vision of the Faculty of Mass Communication and the extent of the excellence of its graduates

Prof. Dr. Laila Abdel-Meguid: The visit crowned the efforts of the Faculty of Mass Communication since its inception and highlighted the long-standing values of the Faculty and its ability to face contemporary challenges for its graduates

The German team praises the capabilities of the Faculty, its preparations, and the readiness of its educational and research environment

Prof. Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, received on Tuesday morning the team of the German Authority for International Accreditation, which is visiting the Faculty of Mass Communication for the second day in a row, within the framework of the faculty's progress in its international accreditation procedures as the first Egyptian mass media faculty to initiate this rapid step towards international accreditation.

At the beginning of the activities of the visit, the Dean expressed her deep welcome to the German team, which praised the Faculty of Mass Communication, which is the pioneer of mass media faculties in Egypt and the Middle East, towards the step of international accreditation through the efforts in the sectors of education, student affairs, postgraduate studies and community service.

  The team listened to the detailed outline of all the activities of the agencies of the Faculty, and presented the details of the activities and events that are presented on the agenda and activities of each sector.

 Dr. Hanan Gunaid, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, expressed her great pleasure at what took place during the second day of the visit of the international accreditation team to the Faculty of Mass Communication on the step of international accreditation, stressing that the visit exposed on the second day the efforts of educational activities for all scientific departments within the Faculty of Mass Communication and its educational, community, academic and research role, and how does each scientific department seek for some time to prepare for the international accreditation file, which is integrated with the local accreditation efforts that the Faculty of Mass Communication obtained from the National Authority for Education Quality several years ago.

During the day's activities, the visiting team toured the halls and facilities to determine the readiness of the educational environment, as well as to discuss the readiness of the faculty's laboratories and libraries, in a way that qualifies for the quality of the teaching and scientific research environment, as well as to identify the nature of the college's centers, including the Public Opinion Center and the Documentation Center, as well as touring the studios of the Faculty of Mass Communication to review their readiness.

On her part, Dr. Laila Abdel-Meguid, Academic Director of the Quality Unit at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, expressed her great happiness with the visit, and the visit team praised what it had seen of the faculty documents and what was done during the past years at all levels of departments and faculty agencies to obtain international accreditation, noting that the Faculty of Mass Communication has sought for a while to progress in the accreditation file by completing the required preparations, praising the positive reactions of the visiting team towards the level of readiness and preparations for the educational environment in the Faculty of Mass Communication.

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