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 In the second event of the 27th International Conference, media professors discuss ways to eradicate digital media illiteracy and professional ethica

With cooperation of international communication ASSOCIATIONS ICA 

In the second activities of the 27th International Conference

Media professors discuss digital media literacy and professional ethical controls

Dr.. Sami Taya: Media and information culture leads to enriching human relations and civilizations .

Dr.. Francisco Gutierrez: Digital literacy requires a professional code of conduct.

Dr.. Hanan Junaid: We need media education to preserve individual rights and fortify society in the media

This morning, Monday, May 30, the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University organized a discussion research session entitled “Media Literacy and Sustainable Development”, as part of the activities of the second day of the 27th International Conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication, which is held under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, and Dr. Howaida Mustafa, Dean of the College, under the supervision of Dr. Wissam Nasr, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs and Secretary General of the Conference. The session was chaired by Dr. Hanan Junaid, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Professor of Mass Communication at Cairo University

At the beginning of the session, Dr. Hanan Junaid, Vice Dean of the College of Media and Regional Coordinator of the International Telecommunication Association, opened the discussion by talking about the role of making information available in reducing the gap, eliminating digital illiteracy and achieving openness among civilizations, noting the need to seek to establish a media environment to understand what it imposes The era and the distinction between false and misleading news, with the need for media education as a means to preserve the rights, freedom, security and safety of the individual and fortify societies in the media. 
In turn, Dr. Sami Taye, the head of the panel discussion, spoke about the media and information culture, which has become a mechanism based on a great degree of importance. With what it plays in enriching human relations and civilizations, using the media to illustrate the images of nations and their nature, such as Islamic or Western civilizations, pointing to the role of social media platforms, which is one of the reasons for spreading false images among some, suggesting the need to rely on media and information culture to try to find a kind of understanding and a solution To this problem and clarify the difference between real and virtual reality.
The "moderator of the discussion" touched on the role of UNESCO as the most important organization supporting the dissemination of culture and media education in conjunction with the emergence of new media and its methods, referring to the activities that were launched to establish a dialogue between the Arab and Western world, the most important of which is the Spanish-Arab Forum for Public Services, which showed interest in the Arab world and emphasized the importance of Media culture in spreading peace and understanding between societies, explaining that the sessions of that forum resulted in the decision to establish the International Institute for Media and Information Culture in cooperation with 12 universities, including Cairo University represented by the Faculty of Information, as well as the establishment of a civil society institution in solidarity with the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation and some civil society institutions Globally in support of scientific peace, sustainable development and the spread of democracy.
During his speech, Dr. Paul Hector, Director of UNESCO’s Department of Information, to talk about the importance of the panel discussion to eradicate digital illiteracy, the role of information and what needs to be done to ensure the diversity of languages ??of communication and the integration of cultures, as well as the financial and social digital media while attracting people for change, and achieving goals Sustainable development 2030 and highlighting the role of UNESCO.
For his part, Dr. Francisco Gutierrez, the press attaché at the Spanish Embassy, ??addressed the controls of media handling of news topics for journalists in a healthy way, the controls for dealing with digital illiteracy, quality control of news, strengthening the professional code of honor, and trying to give professionalism to human education for the purpose of understanding and enhancing reading habits, stressing the Not be satisfied with the main news only and the importance of reading the body of the news to get to know more important and clear details.
و تحدثت دكتور سالي طايع، الأستاذ المساعد بكلية الألسن والإعلام في الأكاديمية العربية، عن الإعلام ودوره في التواصل الصحي والمجتمعي، كأحد التحديات الحالية، مشيرة إلى دور وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وخصوصًا تيك توك، في تقديم تجربة الأفراد.
وعقبت دكتور حياة بدر، المدرس بقسم العلاقات العامة والإعلان بكلية الإعلام جامعة القاهرة، على الحلقة النقاشية التي تضمنت محاور عديدة أهمها ميثاق الشرف المهني والثقافة الإعلامية والمعلوماتية وغيرها، استكمالًا لما سبق، القضايا والأزمات التي يكون الإعلام مسئولًا فيها عن طريق النشر، وما ينتج عنه من فهم وتعارضات، وقالت إن الحل يتمثل في تعليم الثقافة الأدبية والإعلامية خاصةً ونشر ثقافة محو الأمية الإعلامية من قبل رجال الإعلام والجماهير، فالمحاضرة الإعلامية أداة لتحقيق السلام الدولي.
وفي ختام الجلسة كرمت د. وسام نصر وكيلة الكلية لشئون الدراسات العليا والأمين العام للمؤتمر ضيوف الحلقة النقاشية، وتوزيع شهادات التكريم.


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