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30-05-2022 Within the activities of the 27th International Conference .. a research session at "Cairo Media" to discuss the role of heal

Within the activities of the 27th International Conference...
A research session at "Cairo Media" to discuss the role of health media in light of sustainable development plans 

Dr. Ragia Kandil: Social media is not primarily concerned with talking about health media

Today, Monday, May 30, 2022, the Faculty of Media, Cairo University organized a discussion research session within the activities of the seventeenth session under the title "Health and educational media in light of sustainable development plans", as part of the activities of the 27th International Conference of the Faculty of Information, which is held under the auspices of Dr. Muhammad Othman Elkhosht President of Cairo University, Dr. Howaida Mustafa, Dean of the College, and under the supervision of Dr. Wissam Nasr, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs and Secretary General of the Conference. The session was chaired by Dr. Ragia Ahmed Kandil, professor of journalism in media, Cairo, with the participation of d. Mona Abdel-Wahab (reviewed), and in the presence of the rapporteur, Dr. From Hussein.

At the beginning of the session, Dr. Ragia Kandil inaugurated the activities of the seventeenth session, which came under the title "Health and Education Media in the Light of Sustainable Development Plans", and that was within the framework of her chairing the session, which comes as part of the activities of the second day of the International Scientific Conference of the College of Information in its 27th edition Which will be held under the title "Challenges of the Arab media in light of sustainable development plans... towards future visions for reform and development." At the outset, I was keen to organize the session by defining the time period allotted for each researcher to present his research. 

For his part, Dr. Mostafa Shehata, a professor at the Faculty of Media, Menoufia University, said that health media through social media has an active role in times of crisis, affecting public health, as some people rely mainly on the Facebook application to form their knowledge related to public life, citing the virus crisis. Corona virus in the Arab region, and pointed out that the Corona virus affected the lives of many, and it was necessary to find more social media to address this pandemic, alluding to the Corona pandemic that made the public learn more about health media, and the role of the media in health awareness, both at the level of the Arab world or the whole world.

وفيما يخص معالجة البرامج الطبية للقضايا المتعلقة بجائحة كورونا على الفضائيات المصرية، أكدت الأستاذة سارة طارق أحمد أمين حماد، الأستاذ المساعد بقسم الإذاعة والتليفزيون، كلية الإعلام وفنون الاتصال جامعة فاروس بالإسكندرية، على أن تأثير الاستمالات العاطفية في المضمون التليفزيوني الفضائي وتميزه مقارنة بالقنوات الحكومية. 

وعقبت د. راجية قنديل على الأبحاث المنشورة، موضحة إيجابياتها وأوجه القصور التي جاءت بها، مؤكدة ضرورة الاهتمام بعرض الأبحاث باللغة العربية، وتطرقت إلى أن وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ليست معنية بالدرجة الأولى بالحديث عن الإعلام الصحي، مشيرة إلى ضرورة التوازن بين الاعتماد الكمي والكيفي في الأبحاث على حد السواء، منبهة إلى أن اتجاهات المعالجة تكون بالإيجاب أو بالسلب، أما كلمة "محايد" فليس لها دلاله، واختتمت كلمتها بأهمية الحاجة إلى تخصيص وقت في المؤتمر المقبل لمتابعة التوصيات التي خرجت بها المؤتمرات السابقة. 

The session activities concluded by honoring Prof. Wissam Nasr, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies Affairs and Secretary General of the Conference, for the podium guests.


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