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30-05-2022 At the conclusion of the activities of the second day of the 27th International Conference .. a panel discussion at "Cairo Media" to revie

With cooperation of international communication ASSOCIATIONS ICA 

At the conclusion of the activities of the second day of the 27th International Conference...
A panel discussion at "Cairo Media" to review the visions and models of development media.

Dr.. Howayda Mustafa: Developmental media plays a pivotal role in building society.

Dr.. Laila Abdel Majid: The development media relies on modern technological means... and it used to have a negative reputation before.

Dr.. Awatef Abdel Rahman: The limited space of freedom impedes the achievement of sustainable development.

Dr.. Nesma Al-Batriq: Media development helps modernization and change in society.

Dr.. Fahd Al-Tayash: The power of developmental media has moved from the political institutions to the academy.

On Monday, May 30, the Faculty of mass communication, Cairo University, organized a panel discussion entitled “Developmental Media: Arab Visions and Models”, as part of the activities of the second day of the 27th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Information, which was held under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, and Dr. Howaida Mustafa, Dean of the College and President of the Conference, and the supervision of Dr. Wissam Nasr, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs and Secretary General of the Conference.

Dr. Howaida Mustafa, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, opened the fifteenth discussion session, in the presence of Dr. Laila Abdel Meguid, a professor in the Journalism Department and former Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication who took over the management of the seminar, and Dr. Alaa Fawzy, a teacher in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the College and the session’s rapporteur, in addition to a group of professors Egyptian and Arab media.

The Dean of the College of Media pointed to the importance of the pivotal role played by the development media, as it contributes to building society, stressing the increasing interest in this specialty in recent times.

Dr. Laila Abdel Majid, former Dean of the College of Mass Communication, explained that development media relies heavily on modern technological means and tools, pointing to the negative reputation that this field had in previous periods of time; Some people believe that governments control it, but in fact it plays its role within the framework of social responsibility.

Dr. Awatef Abdel Rahman, professor of journalism at the college, pointed out that talking about sustainable development began in 1982, but until 2015 there was no change in society. Due to the lack of awareness by many of the concept itself, as well as the limited space for freedom in many Arab countries, adding that in January 2019 the foundations were laid to achieve sustainable development.

The former head of the press department added that the concept of poverty means depriving the enjoyment of freedom and community participation and not abstaining from food and drink, calling on countries to allow the free circulation of information and open the way for public participation, in a way that promotes sustainable development goals as it helps advance the lives of individuals and groups.

Dr. Nesma Al-Batriq, a professor in the Radio and Television Department at the college, stressed the importance of media development, as it is an important means of bringing about modernization and change in society, adding that media colleges in the Arab world have always been the pioneers in providing new curricula and research that are in line with the development taking place in society. 

Dr. Fahd Al-Tayash, a professor at King Saud University and a member of the Saudi Shura Council, pointed out, through the "Zoom" program, that there is a real problem in dealing with developmental media, saying that the beginning of its announcement began in 1949, so some called it the "year of development" through the President Former American Harry Truman, adding that the term sustainable development adds meaning to the concept of development media.

Al-Tayyash pointed out the possibility of dividing the development media into three basic stages. The first stage is related to the formation of the structure of the development media during the period from 1960 to 1980, while the second stage is related to the criticism of development media in the period from 1981 to 2000, while the third stage is related to global participatory forces. The academic shift between North and South.

وأضاف أستاذ بجامعة الملك سعود وعضو مجلس الشورى السعودي، إن قوة الإعلام التنموي في الفترة الأخيرة انتقلت من المؤسسات السياسية إلى الأكاديمية، لافتا إلى مسئولية أساتذة وخبراء الإعلام عن تحسين الإعلام، مؤكدا اختلاف المرحلة الجديدة التي نعيشها –الآن- عن الأوضاع في الماضي حيث اندمجت القوى التشاركية معًا في المجتمع.

وأكد إسماعيل فرغلي، الفنان المصري، أهمية الدور الذي يلعبه الفن في قضية الإعلام التنموي، لافتا إلى وجود العديد من الأعمال الفنية التي تم إنتاجها من قِبل بعض الفرق المسرحية داخل جامعة القاهرة والتي  تخدم هذا المجال.

وقالت الدكتور هبة السمري، عميد كلية الإعلام بجامعة النهضة، إن الإعلام لم يعد وسيلة للترفية فقط حيث أنه وسيلة تنموية، مؤكدة حاجة كافة الدولة للإعلام التنموي بنفس احتياج أي إنسان لأطرافه الأساسية، لافتة إلى وجود اهتمام بهذا المجال إلا أنه ليس كافيًا؛ نظرا لضعف بعض المؤسسات الإعلامية العربية مهنيًا واقتصاديًا، فضلا عن عدم  وجود رؤية إعلامية واضحة للإعلام التنموي، بل وهناك بعض المضامين تعد من معوقات تحقيق التنمية مثل: الإعلانات التي تخاطب الغرائز والشهوات.

وأشارت عميد كلية الإعلام بجامعة النهضة، إلى وجود نماذجم إيجابية في الإعلام مثل: برنامج "مصر تستطيع"، مُشددة بضرورة التعاون بين المؤسسات الإعلامية والمجتمع المدني، والاهتمام بوسائل التواصل الجديدة حتى يتم توجيه خطاب إعلامي يستطيع القضاء على المعوقات التي تواجه التنمية. 

ولفت الدكتور محمد دحماني، أستاذ بقسم الإعلام بكلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية جامعة المسلية، إلى أن دولة الجزائر تواجه مشكلات متعددة بخصوص الإعلام التنموي، مُطالبا بضرورة تسليط الضوء على مختلف ركائز هذا المجال ومراجعة مختلف القوانين التي تتعلق بالإعلام.

وقالت الدكتورة أماني فهمي، عميد كلية الإعلام بجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآداب، إن الجامعة تعتمد على الاستفادة من طاقات الطلاب للمشاركة في مسار التنمية من خلال تنظيمها العديد من الأنشطة التي تسعى إلى تحقيق التنمية المستدامة.

وأوضحت راندا فؤاد، رئيس المنتدى العربي للبيئة والتنمية، أن المصريين القدماء يعتبروا  من أوائل المهتمين بمجال التنمية المستدامة، لافتة إلى ضرورة مشاركة القوى الناعمة والمجتمع المدني في تحقيق التنمية في المجتمعات، مؤكدة أن الإعلام التنموي يسد فجوة نقص المعلومات.

It is worth noting that the conference will be held on May 29-30, 2022, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, and headed by Prof. Howayda Mostafa, Dean of the Faculty of Information, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, in light of sustainable development plans. And under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wissam Nasr, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs and Secretary General of the Conference, with the participation of a number of Egyptian, Arab and foreign researchers, professors and media experts, and in research partnership with the International Association for Communication ICA in the United States of America.


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